August 19, 2012

4 Days Away...

And still no baby to show for it.  Yep, my official due date is August 23rd, the day after my 24th birthday, and this baby isn't showing any signs of wanting to leave the womb.  I've been trying walking, drinking raspberry leaf tea, even some other methods that I'm not going to get into.  Still nothing...

Basically, I want this baby OUT but Baby is not interested in leaving.  Still getting lots of movements, wiggles, and stretches from the baby, so that is good.  For the past couple days I have been getting a lot of ligament stretching down my left side, especially at night, and Braxton Hicks contractions pretty much non-stop.  I am hoping that this is my body trying to tell Baby that it's time to get this show on the road, but I can't decide if that is just wishful thinking on my part. Haven't lost the mucus plug yet and the water has (obviously) not broken... I am about ready to sacrifice a (roasting) chicken to my heathen gods in order to get this movin'...

Bean wants me & little B to wait at least one more day so he can get some time sensitive, important stuff done for work... I couldn't help but laugh in his face.  I have been the one carrying around this squirming little human being for 9 months, letting it destroy my body the whole time... he doesn't have the right to ask me to wait, even if it was physically possible.  I'm sure he is 85% joking, but it's that 15% that makes me want to punch him in the nose...  He means well, surely.

Here is hoping that in the next week, I'll be able to give you guys my birthing story and Baby J's stats...  Any mamas with good natural-induction techniques should comment. I need all the help I can get.

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