June 15, 2012

My craft landfill

I feel like everyone should have their own little corner (or room) to dedicate to themselves.  For me, this is my craft room and office.  I am not one of those bloggers who is going to make my house look like it just flew off the pages of Better Homes and Gardens, but I'm not going to show you my real mess either.

Except this one time.

Yep.  That is my creative chaos... it's a little more messy than usual because we just moved this room over from being our old master bedroom but it isn't far from the normal state of mess.  I know, I need some shelves like crazy and maybe some new forms of organization but when it's semi-clean, it doesn't look too bad.

On my desk you'll see the aftermath of yesterday's tutorial on freezer stenciling, as well as a bunch of other in progress projects.  Oh, and the cat is super awesome and broke the blinds in a fit while trying to eat a bee.  Just an FYI, the bee won...

I feel like everyone should post their real craft room at least once, it makes you into a real person, not some perfect crafty person with a perfect crafty life.

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