June 13, 2012

hello world.

Well here I go.  Started up my new blog today, here is hoping that it doesn't suck too badly or that I forget about it all the time, like my old blog...

In these pages you'll find crafting tutorials, ramblings, shameless advertising for my etsy shop, uniqueOLIVE, and disgusting personal details about my life.  I'll try and make it informative and funny, but it will probably just be that last bit.

Coming soon is a super awesome tutorial on the already over-done freezer paper stenciling.  Mine is different though... it's a multi-layered approach that I may or may not have learned from graffiti stenciling.

OH and let me tell you a bit about myself, before I space off and eat my second lunch.

My name is Nicole (hi, how are ya?) and I live in Iowa near our capital city of Des Moines.  It is a pretty quiet life around here, for now.  My husband, whom I will refer to as Bean, and I have two awesome dogs, Roxie and Mel.  They are both rescue dogs and we couldn't love them more.  Also, we have a terrible awesome cat named Hobbes, who is mostly a douche but can also be classified as a fat orange tabby cat.  The fella and I are also pregnant (and by we I mean ONLY ME) with our first kidlet.

Some thoughts on pregnancy - only believe half of the horrible stories people tell you and none of the good ones.  So far, I've gotten pretty lucky as far as the crappy parts of pregnancy are concerned.  I have some stretch marks on my thighs (BOO) but they are minimal.  None on the belly area yet, thanks to Bean's constant cocoa buttering.  Boobs are massively huge now, Bean loves it, I hate it.  I started at an already pretty awesome 34 D and am now sitting uncomfortably at a 36 DD.  I have very little in the way of varicose or spider veins, which is cool.  I'm at about 30 weeks right now and have gained a massive 20 pounds to my not-so-huge frame.  People tell me I look beautiful and that I don't look close to 7 months pregnant, but what the hell do they know.  I started at my highest ever weight, roughly 140 pounds and am now ringing the 160 bell.  It probably is going to piss someone off that I'm complaining about it, but to each their own.  I hated being at 140, my ideal weight is more in the 115 range... and now I'm at 160 and still climbing.

The baby is cool and healthy and whatnot, but being pregnant was not something that I was fully and completely mentally prepared for.  More to come on this.

If you are reading this, you probably stumbled here by accident, but thanks.

- Nicole

1 comment:

  1. Accidentally stumbled in- My ass. <3
    This is awesome and you are awesome. So looking forward to everything else to come.

    Also- The tutorial above is great and I am going to abuse the hell out of it. So thanks for that.
